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Everything posted by shrapnell

  1. Yes I realise that but it stilldoes not work. If you to http://www.wellheart.org.nz/Pic1.png you will see a screen dump of the SAVE AS dialogue box.
  2. Thank you for your replies. Sorry about delay in responding, life took me elsewhere for a while. 1. I have checked again neither the SAVE FILE AS or SAVE PROJECT AS have any pulldown menus allowing other formats. 2. The ABOUT WAVEPAD dialogue box confirms that this is a full version registered in my name. However it does not say MASTERS , just WAVEPAD
  3. Here are extracts fromWavepad help. With the Master's Edition you have a set a features designed with the professional in mind. These include a file batch converter, keyboard macros and automation tools, bookmarks, file regions (with the region assembler) additional file formats and more. Features ~Supports a number of file formats including wav (multiple codecs), mp3, vox, gsm, real audio and more. Save an audio file To save the current audio file with the current name press Command+S. To save the file with a different name or in a different format use the menu File -> Save As.. My issue is that while the HELP describe format options,SAVE AS give you only wav.
  4. 1. I was using the Free version of Wavepad for a small job and was frustrated to find that SAVE AS did not provide an file options as promised in the HELP file. So, I paid and bought the master version only to find there are still options under SAVE AS. I feel cheated. 2. As a video and sound editor on hardware for some years. I had been expecting a control to inch back and forth to to find a precise point to make an edit. Without such a control editing is a matter of luck rather than skill. I feel disappointed.
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