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Everything posted by Debbie

  1. Debbie

    Hot keys

    Hi, I did hit the F lock key a few times. Now this is starting in the F5 key (where it is opening a document) and F7. Not sure how to fix. Still unable to use the foot pedal. Debbie
  2. Debbie

    Hot keys

    Hi, Due to a muscle tear, I can't use the foot pedal, so I'm forced to use the hand controls for f4, F7 and F9. It has been working fine since February until the last week, when I would hit the F4 key and word was trying to open a document. I realize it has something to do with word thinking i'm opening a document, so I temporarily reassigned it to F5 and F4. I noticed today the F7 key is acting up also. Why is this happening after all this time, and what else can I do. I can only use the hand controls now. THANKS DEBBIE
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