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Novice (1/7)



  1. Well it seems the answer is to return from the plugin something like this: dummy=1&nextmsg=blah&dummy2=2 Bascially pad the real returned value with dummy variables... this appears to be working.
  2. I have a plugin that returns the value I want to use as the next OGM. However this is not working. Here is the log. You can see that at 10:53:26 the system tried to open the correct OGM but it instead immediately says goodbye and disconnects. 10:53:12 Command - Go 10:53:12 Open OGM: Find Post 10:53:12 Run plugin: "C:\xxx\phonetest2\bin\Debug\phonetest2.exe" FindAccount 55 10:53:14 Plugin returned: nextogm=Intro 10:53:14 Text-to-Speech Synthesis: Looking up info 10:53:26 Command - Go 10:53:26 Open OGM: Intro 10:53:26 Play system prompt: GoodBye 10:53:29 Call disconnected 10:53:30 Call disconnected If I do not call the plugin but manually set the variable nextogm=Intro it works. It only fails when I call the plugin. Using IVM v 4.07
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