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Everything posted by zombie

  1. thanks. re install wavepad and still encouter the same problem. only certain mp3 files though. also try to use "switch" but it seemed that it didn't recognize the files as mp3. i try using other mp3 cutting files and they can recognize it. any ideas? i really like the userface of wavepad. cheers.
  2. thanks for the reply. i can play the mp3 in both itunes and windows media player. but when i try to open the file through wavepad, it's just said it's not true mp3 files. thanks.
  3. hi, i have a question regarding openning mp3 files at wavepad. i downloaded the free version and i was able to open some mp3 files but some can't. i use itunes to convert files to .mp3 files. i'm not sure why it works for some but not others. it keeps on saying that the files are corrupt or not a true mp3 files. does anyone knows why? thanks for your help. cheers.
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