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Everything posted by blmuzzy

  1. that script didn't work for me. here's what I did. 1. ran dir f:\wmamusic /ad /b /s>wmalist.txt - to list all folders under my wma music folder. 2. manually removed the top level folders from wmalist.txt, which were the first lines, e.g.; the first 2 lines in the example below F:\wmamusic\artist1 F:\wmamusic\artist2 F:\wmamusic\artist1\CD1 F:\wmamusic\artist1\CD2 F:\wmamusic\artist2\CD1 ... 3. replaced "&" with "and" in wmalist.txt because "&" would cause the batch script to stop reading the line at that point. e.g.; Kate & Anna McGarrigle -> Kate and Anna McGarrigle 4. ran this batch file: @echo off for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (f:\wmalist.txt) do (set in=%%i) & (call :next) goto :EOF :next set line=%in:~12% set out=f:\mp3cnvrt\%line% MD "%OUT%" "C:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\Switch\switch.exe" -format .mp3 -settings .mp3 CBR 192 TRUE STEREO FALSE -addfolder "%in%" -outfolder "%out%" -overwrite ALWAYS -convert -SHOW -EXIT ====== script notes: set line=%in:~12% set out=f:\mp3cnvrt\%line% these 2 lines change F:\wmamusic\artist1\CD1 to f:\wmacnvrt\artist1\CD1, etc. I had to add MD "%OUT%" to keep switch from asking me if I wanted to create each new folder. hope this helps someone else.
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