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Everything posted by pdm

  1. We observed strange behaviour of version 4.15 today. A new installation worked fine. Then we set it to monitor a second folder. (Whether that caused the problem, we do not know. It's just the sequence of events.) Then, all dictations saved to the watched LAN folder were lost. We could see them entering the save folder via Windows Explorer, and then leaving that folder (as if Scribe was uploading them). But they never showed up in Scribe. We could retrieve them into Dictate. At first, we suspected that we had stupidly set another instance of Scribe to watch that folder, and it was jumping in and taking the files. But we checked both other Scribe installations, and that wasn't the case. We deleted the second watched folder. No change. Eventually, we created a completely new folder for Scribe to watch, and reset it to that. We told Dictate to save to that folder. Problem disappeared. Any thoughts ?
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