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  1. That would be great! Right now the current version is not registering.
  2. I have the same problem as the original poster: all line settings except the defaults are lost when the program is shut down and later restarted. To the best of my knowledge, I'm running the paid version that I downloaded. Help/about says that the version is Talk v 2.06. It says I am a licensed user and shows my name. I take that to mean I am running the business edition. How do I make Express Talk retain its settings? Any help would be appreciated. Update: I downloaded the current version of Express Talk Business Edition (3.08) and it does retain the settings of all lines. However, it will not register the current version, because my registration is not valid with that version. I don't want to pay for an upgrade just to use the features of a program I already paid for. Is version 2.06 available for download?
  3. Answer: uninstall VRS.exe. That stopped the intrusive message. Maybe there are less drastic solutions. But I really needed to get the audio system back.
  4. I downloaded Express Talk, tried it, and liked it a lot. So I paid for a copy. Since then, I haven't been able to get useful work out of it. First problem: I hear the message "recording started" at intervals. It happens regardless of whether I'm in a call or not. It interferes with other non-phone use of the audio system. Clicking on the Express Talk record button appears to have no effect. I don't ever want to record calls. How can I disable recording? Any help would be appreciated.
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