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  1. Thank you for your help. : -) To be honest, I just do not want to spend the time converting files when it was so simple before with just downloading and then playing. I found an older version and will continue to use that until they fix the bugs. I do like Express Scribe and it is too bad that I cannot use the latest version.
  2. The latest version of Express Scribe 4.13 only loads the first 40 seconds or so of any voice file. In talking with tech support they have told me that it is my problem or a Sony plugin problem. I thought I was the only one and spent a lot of time trying to figure this out. Then I called my office and found that I am not the only one with this exact problem. There are over 50 MTs with the same issue. I have been advised to find an older version and use it and give up on any new version. I then came on this site and see that there are other issues with the latest version. My question is, why is tech support trying to lay the fix on the individual rather than admitting it is their program? Where do I find an older version? Thank you for your help. It is truly appreciated. (first time poster)
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