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  1. Figured it out. X (Twitter) does not support MPEG-4 codec. Had to use this site to convert it to H264 and then was able to upload it, https://video-converter.com/ You might want to consider adding a feature to Video Pad that would allow you to keep the H264 codec after adding visual effects. Thanks for your help and prompt responses.
  2. @borate Same thing is happening. Again, it works locally with mpeg4 compressor selection, but when trying to upload to X, it immediately rejects it with this, "Your video file could not be processed. Please see tips for uploading videos." If I don't choose mpeg4 and leave it at H264, X will accept it, but the video is blank with sound only. Any other ideas ? Thanks
  3. @borate steps completed, folder uploaded, here's the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OEWNlRQTfn5GqPwlZtXowr8D9jMU7ftI?usp=sharing Thanks for your help !
  4. @borate thanks for the reply. Tried the new version, it's doing the exact same thing.
  5. Hi. If I add a contrast effect to my video and export as mp4, it comes out with a blank video. Changing 'compressor' to MPEG4 solves the problem locally, but I can't upload it to X (Twitter). It somehow recognizes it as incompatible. What steps can I take to upload to be able to upload contrast adjusted video to X ? Thanks
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