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  1. Ok, Got It. I will just suggest an option to change the overall font sizes for users if needed. Thanks for your info.
  2. Hi borate, and thanks for the fast response.. Yes, you have the EQ that I have a problem with seeing the settings when the user moves the pointer (cursor). If you notice directly under the Frequency Scale, the Hz(Khz), %, and (db) font sizes are way too small. I have to practically put my eyeballs on the monitor with my glasses just to see what my selection of these settings are when I move my pointer to set nodes etc.. Now, I pointed this out on this particular EQ GUI, however, there are other micro small fonts on some of the other settings as well. I would love to see this type of information on settings a bit larger in the font sizes, or possibly a user font size setting in the options. Thanks for reading my concern on this.
  3. Hello forum, I am using Windows 10 with a resolution of 1920x1080. I am of age where I where glasses for reading. I am a bit frustrated that the dialogs and info within some of NCH software are incredibly small and I have a hard time reading much of the text within them. For Example: If I open the Audio FX Plugin Chain and then open the EQ, it is almost impossible to read the frequency, db, and any other GUI text that I need to see to make good adjustments. I would like to know is there a way, other than lowering my screen resolution which will cost me screen space, to implement settings that will allow the user to increase the program's text size? That would be nice and help some users very much. Thanks for reading and understanding my issue on this. Mhz2020
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