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Everything posted by Will159

  1. Simon, thank you for responding. From you're response, it sounds like you are suggesting that this might be a bug and not a lack of my not knowing to how to set the right program options. I just assumed that the option to continue converting after "error" would include any and all errors and file types (including desktop.ini files). Since these files are so common in most folders (Windows 10), I would find it hard to believe this kind of bug could exist. If this is a software bug, I can't be the first to notice it. Has anyone out there noticed Sound Converter NOT skipping over desktop.ini files? (It does continue converting after all other "errors" ex: *.jpg files. Could someone simply copy an existing desktop.ini file in one of their music folders, and let me know what happens. I don't want to open a trouble ticket if the problem is simply my not setting the right options in Sound Converter. Side note: I solved this issue by deleting every desktop.ini file in my music library, then ran the conversion program on entire music library. It got the job done, but Windows can and will place new desktop.ini files in my library in the future. Thus, it seems having the conversion program skip over these files is the best solution. Simon, again thank you for responding, I don't have any reason to question that this might be a bug in the software, just want confirmation from others. Will159
  2. Hi. I'm new here so please be gentle. I have set the Error setting to "Ignore error and continue converting other files." The program does skip over some files (ex. Album Cover.jpg). However, it stops the conversion process when it encounters a "desktop.ini" file. What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to instruct the program to ignore specific file types (ex. *.ini)? Thanks in advance, Will159
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