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Lionel R

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  1. Thank you for the reply but this is not the first technical support email I've sent via the iPad of the people I work with which is without response ... 😕 I tried with an older version, reinstalled the app, tried again by installing the latest update. It's not the microphone that's the issue because when using other apps like the dictaphone on the iPad, I don't encounter this problem. Both the audio volume problem and the animated options all over the screen appear in several people who use WavePad on iPad.
  2. Hello, I am currently helping several people who are using Free WavePad on iPAd and are experiencing similar problems. I have sent an email to the technical service for 1 month but I still haven't had any answer? 1) For any audio recording on WavePad, the audio volume is very low. I have already tried the dictaphone on the iPad and everything works fine. Only on WavePad is the audio volume low. I have already tried to change the Decibel option that not appears everytime, but it didn't change anything. Do you have an idea how to solve this problem? 2) There are many animated help options for the audio edit that are displayed all over the screen and make editing almost impossible. These options are for example: Normalizing, cutting the beginning/end silence... Could you tell me if it is possible to remove these options on the screen? Thank you in advance for your answer.
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