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Posts posted by libove

  1. @astro46 I haven't seen the re-start since I deleted the two scheduled tasks, but since this hasn't happened frequently and it didn't seem to happen on a regular schedule, I would not be confident drawing any conclusion from it. On the other hand, we haven't seen any other place that would seem to launch them, and although this is strange and unacceptable behaviour, we don't have actual indication of malice/malware, so it's a reasonable suspicion that the scheduled tasks were what caused it.

    @borate you said that "Have received confirmation that if VP is not run for a period of time (unknown), that it may auto-start.  Intended behavior."

    From where did you get that confirmation?  How is VideoPad autostarted after some period of time?  WHY did NCH make this super-suspicious behavior?

  2. The -delcache task, yes, is about cache (though it wouldn't be surprising if it caused the program window to open).

    The other comamnd -sevendays, also, likely could cause a window to open.

    This was not at Windows sleep/wake, hibernate/wake, nor reboot/login. It was during normal operation.

    As for Add/Remove programs - the individually installed programs, yes, I do see - publisher NCH, though alphabetically they appear under the individual names "Prism Video File Converter", "VideoPad Video Editor, and "WavePad Sound Editor". The NCH launcher/installer does not appear in the list of installed programs at all.

  3. It's not in Startup tasks. I found it in Task Scheduler. One task per program:

    1. WavePadSevenDays

    C:\Users\libove\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Program Files\WavePad\WavePad.exe -sevendays

    2. VideoPadCacheDeleteAll

    C:\Users\libove\AppData\Roaming\NCH Software\Program Files\VideoPad\VideoPad.exe -bgtask delcache

    I've deleted the scheduled tasks. Rude.


  4. I have the NCH Suite app installed on a Windows 10 desktop. From time to time, it, or VideoPad which I've installed through it, automatically starts up. It should NEVER do that. Software should start ONLY when I explicitly ask it to.

    Where this is configured? .. so I can disable it.

    Also, why does the NCH Suite not appear in Windows' list of installed programs (i.e. AppWiz.CPL)?

    It smells bad.

    Thank you.

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