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Everything posted by MidnyteVideos

  1. Wow. I just figured it out. I want to share, not only because I am super excited about it, but also if it could help others. What was happening: When I slowed the "crawl" down to 10% which is what it needed to look right, then the duration of that slide would automatically adjust. To 6 minutes long! And I didn't know how to adjust both factors to make it correct. My revelation tonight: So duh, I looked at where the marker was once the text properly got to the top of the screen. And I thought, "Can't I just split that right there, and delete all the excess?" YES. It worked. It is so simple but I couldn't wrap my brain around it earlier.
  2. Thanks for your input MakubX. Yes, I have fiddled with both the duration (what I called "length" in my OP, ) and the speed, trying to get it to be a reasonable animation that mimics the A New Hope beginning crawl. I know I must be doing something wrong. I'll keep at it.
  3. Hi everyone, I just found this forum and want to reach out for help. I am new to PhotoStage and can't figure something out. Have any of you used the animation called "space" to create a Star Wars-like text crawl? I need some help figuring out how to make it crawl slowly, like at the beginning of A New Hope. I have adjusted the slide length and the speed, but I am getting the results of it crawling too fast, or crawling to the end of the text and then just background of the slide until the length ends. But adjusting the speed also changes the length automatically. I don't think I'm explaining very well, but I'm hoping someone here knows what I'm describing. TIA.
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