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.mp3 to .mp3 conversion trouble

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I was having trouble importing a couple .mp3's into iTues on my Mac and someone recommended I try Switch to "correct" the tags by converting from .mp3 to .mp3. (Recommended through this support thread on Apple Support Forums: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=7496606 ) I tried this on one song (just to make sure it worked and didn't mess anything up) and it worked perfectly. The converted file was added to my iTunes library and works great.


However, when I tried to convert the other files the conversion went WAY too fast and when the files were added to iTunes they had a duration of 0:00. No sound came out when they were played. I tried again and the same thing happened. I restarted the program and it happened again. I don't believe this is a problem with iTunes because before conversion the .mp3 wouldn't even get added to the Library and after conversion it's added but has no substance.


I haven't found any help topics that deal with this, so I'm reaching out to the community at large. Am I doing something wrong? How can I fix this and get my files to play properly.


I'm using a MacBook with an Intel processor OSX 10.5.4. iTunes version 7.7.1, Switch version 1.40


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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