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Converting DVF files to MP3


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I'm new to file conversions period, sigh. I'm a 47 YO granny learning new tricks.


Ok, the problem is I've been looking at several Sony voice recorders that won't break the bank, and with the lower priced models you can transfer files to the computer via USB but they're in DVF format. I don't know why these goons can't give you several formats to choose from, but just transferring the files onto the computer is not going to do me any good. I need them to be portable on an MP3 player or a CD player, for listening and backup purposes. I listen to my notes while I'm writing and that can be anywhere from beside the pool to sitting in the car waiting for my granddaughter to get out of school.


I'm a writer and I often record sudden ideas and changes, on a recorder instead of trying to scrabble for pen and paper. The DVF file format can't be played in my CD player in the car or office, or my MP3 player. The very much smaller digital recorders would be ideal to slip in my pocket, but it's not going to do me much good if I can't store them somewhere else besides my hard drive.


The switch site lists DVF formats as one it will convert, but I have no way of knowing which recorder DVF formats it will convert, because it says it doesn't convert all recorder DVF files. Can someone tell me please? Or point me to where I can read about it myself? I need to know before I spend the money on a recorder that's going to be useless for my needs.


If someone has any suggestions I would welcome them. Maybe a good quality in another brand of recorder without all the hassles?


If you prefer you can reply via email.


Thank you for your time.

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