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VEC foot pedal works under Linux ver...doesn't under Wine


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How did you get the foot pedals to be recognized on the Linux Scribe? I'm stuck there at the moment. Sorry not much help for you. There are a lot of reported problems with ES working on Linux, especially recognizing foot pedal issues.

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How did you get the foot pedals to be recognized on the Linux Scribe? I'm stuck there at the moment. Sorry not much help for you. There are a lot of reported problems with ES working on Linux, especially recognizing foot pedal issues.



See this: http://www.enricozini.org/2007/tips/linux-...foot-pedal.html


You can use the serial foot pedal with a usb to serial adapter. I've been using ES on Linux (under Wine) for over three years with serial VEC foot pedals (and ones that I've re-wired myself) without problems.

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Thanks for the help. But I'm using a gameport steering wheel foot pedals (which don't seem to have Linux drivers) or alternately I can rig up a USB Logitech dual action gamepad. On Windows I have to configure the foot pedals as a game controller but Linux doesn't even seem to recognize that they exist. The controller works fine in Ubuntu but again ES doesn't show it at all. Perhaps if I do the whole thing through Wine it would work...

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