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mp3 conversion


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I have installed switch free version. I have converted some mp3 files to mp3 but reducing the bit rate to 8. I have written the converted files to a cd. But when I try to convert the 8-bit rate files to 128-bit rate the file size increases but the quality is not restored.What to do?

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I have installed switch free version. I have converted some mp3 files to mp3 but reducing the bit rate to 8. I have written the converted files to a cd. But when I try to convert the 8-bit rate files to 128-bit rate the file size increases but the quality is not restored.What to do?


I have some bad news for you. Are you ready?


When you convert a file to a lower bit rate, you throw away musical information _which can never be recovered_. How much information you lose depends upon the difference between the original bit rate and the reduced bit rate. If there is a large difference in these two bit rates, you will lose a _lot_ of information (translation: "musical quality") that you cannot get back, no matter what you do. Thus, when you made that mp3 at a bit rate of 8 kbps (you didn't say, but I will assume that the original bit rate was 128 kbps), you threw away a whole lot of musical information; i.e., you took a reasonably high-quality piece of music (I assume that this was music) and turned it into a very poor quality piece of music by reducing the bit rate to 8 kbps.


It is now impossible to go back the other way and restore this low-quality audio file to the original high-quality audio file. Assuming that you take this very poor quality audio file and convert it, for example, to a 128 kbps file, and the computer tells you that you now have a file compressed at a bit rate of 128 kbps, the computer is lying! It does not know that the file which you gave it to work with, in this conversion to a 128 kbps file, had already been reduced to a very low qualtiy file. Once again, let me emphasize that you cannot take an audio file of very poor quality, convert it to a high-quality bit rate mp3, and expect to get out of this a high-quality audio file.


The Bottom Line


You are now stuck with a piece of audio garbage (a file compressed at 8 kbps). Either learn to love it or start all over again, having learned that what you throw into the audio trash bin can never be recovered from this trash bin!!!


So sorry to break the news to you.......




(telling it lke it is)

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