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IVM - Callback / Delayed Call Plug-in


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Call-back & Delayed Outbound Call IVM Plug-in



This plug-in will allow you to initiate an outbound call to a phone number after a specified period of time.
You can call a pre-defined number, or have IVM call-back the last caller. By creating a delay before
initiating the call, you can ensure the line is free on the caller side before calling back. It could also be
used to set reminder calls.

- Number to be called (can be pre-defined or set to the Caller ID)
- The time until the plug-in calls the number (default 10 seconds)
- Whether or not to hide the IVM window when making the call
- The path to the IVM executable (if different to the default)

- In your answer OGM in IVM, go to the Advanced tab and tick "Run Exe or Run IVM Plugin"
- Click the Open Run Exe or Plugin Settings button, followed by the "Add New Exe" button
- Browse and select the plug-in exe file
- Arguments:
No. | Arg. Name | Sample use | Required | Description
1   | Caller #  | %cid%      | YES      | The number to call, use %cid% for callback
2   | Time delay| 100        | NO       | Delay before initiating the call (100 = 10sec)
3   | Hide IVM  | hide       | NO       | Whether to hide IVM (default: no, use hide for yes)
4   | IVM Path  |"C:\ivm.exe"| NO       | Path to IVM exe (default is the default install path)
* Arguments must be in the exact order as shown above
* Use ABC if you wish to skip an argument (use default) but use the next argument
- Click Ok, Close and go back to the main IVM window, test an incoming call

- If using for commercial/business purposes, please donate $10 USD for each computer you wish to use this plug-in on
use PayPal.com to e-mail the money to pythonpoole@gmail.com
- You may use this plug-in free of charge for testing or personal/home use
- This program is copyright by Benjamin Poole of Scorptek (scorptek.net) © May 2008
- Do not re-distribute without permission (email pythonpoole@gmail.com)


PROBLEM: "ERROR in action number 1 of Alarm Event for alarm0..."
SOLUTION: The IVM path you used was invalid, try again, be sure to include the \ivm.exe

PROBLEM: plug-in quits as soon as it opens / IVM doesn't show evidence of an outbound call
SOLUTION: The number you entered in argument 1 (default is %cid%) was not valid / was empty

PROBLEM: "Failed to initialize drawing surface"
SOLUTION: Update DirectX, reduce video memory usage (lower screen resolution or bit depth if required)

PROBLEM: Time shows as -1 and then program closes
SOLUTION: This is normal behaviour, -1 indicates IVM has already been instructed to call, and the plug-in is closing

ivm@scorptek.net OR pythonpoole@gmail.com

Note: There is a small license fee of $10 USD for business/commercial use (see README)



Download the plug-in here!

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Call-back & Delayed Outbound Call IVM Plug-in



This plug-in will allow you to initiate an outbound call to a phone number after a specified period of time.
You can call a pre-defined number, or have IVM call-back the last caller. By creating a delay before
initiating the call, you can ensure the line is free on the caller side before calling back. It could also be
used to set reminder calls.

- Number to be called (can be pre-defined or set to the Caller ID)
- The time until the plug-in calls the number (default 10 seconds)
- Whether or not to hide the IVM window when making the call
- The path to the IVM executable (if different to the default)

- In your answer OGM in IVM, go to the Advanced tab and tick "Run Exe or Run IVM Plugin"
- Click the Open Run Exe or Plugin Settings button, followed by the "Add New Exe" button
- Browse and select the plug-in exe file
- Arguments:
No. | Arg. Name | Sample use | Required | Description
1   | Caller #  | %cid%      | YES      | The number to call, use %cid% for callback
2   | Time delay| 100        | NO       | Delay before initiating the call (100 = 10sec)
3   | Hide IVM  | hide       | NO       | Whether to hide IVM (default: no, use hide for yes)
4   | IVM Path  |"C:\ivm.exe"| NO       | Path to IVM exe (default is the default install path)
* Arguments must be in the exact order as shown above
* Use ABC if you wish to skip an argument (use default) but use the next argument
- Click Ok, Close and go back to the main IVM window, test an incoming call

- If using for commercial/business purposes, please donate $10 USD for each computer you wish to use this plug-in on
use PayPal.com to e-mail the money to pythonpoole@gmail.com
- You may use this plug-in free of charge for testing or personal/home use
- This program is copyright by Benjamin Poole of Scorptek (scorptek.net) © May 2008
- Do not re-distribute without permission (email pythonpoole@gmail.com)


PROBLEM: "ERROR in action number 1 of Alarm Event for alarm0..."
SOLUTION: The IVM path you used was invalid, try again, be sure to include the \ivm.exe

PROBLEM: plug-in quits as soon as it opens / IVM doesn't show evidence of an outbound call
SOLUTION: The number you entered in argument 1 (default is %cid%) was not valid / was empty

PROBLEM: "Failed to initialize drawing surface"
SOLUTION: Update DirectX, reduce video memory usage (lower screen resolution or bit depth if required)

PROBLEM: Time shows as -1 and then program closes
SOLUTION: This is normal behaviour, -1 indicates IVM has already been instructed to call, and the plug-in is closing

ivm@scorptek.net OR pythonpoole@gmail.com

Note: There is a small license fee of $10 USD for business/commercial use (see README)



Download the plug-in here!




your plugin works well only locally (simulator). I updated the direct xe lowered the resolution of the screen, but it's the same thing. no error messages, plugin not stat.

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your plugin works well only locally (simulator). I updated the direct xe lowered the resolution of the screen, but it's the same thing. no error messages, plugin not stat.


My log file:




11:51:24 Incoming SIP call

11:51:28 Line 1 3332628694 [Answered]

11:51:28 Answering call...

11:51:28 Answered line [1 "line1"] call number [3576] cid [3332628694] did[] drn[0 (0ms)]

11:51:28 Adding data to log: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Dati applicazioni\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\Logs\outbound.txt

11:51:28 Data: 3332628694

11:51:28 Run file: "C:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\ivmCallBackPlugin.exe" 3332628694

11:51:28 Play file: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Dati applicazioni\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\OGMs\file.wav

11:51:28 Command - Hangup

11:51:28 Call has disconnected

11:51:28 Call disconnected












11:52:05 Simulator 5555555555 [Answered]

11:52:05 Answered line [1000 "Simulator"] call number [3577] cid [5555555555] did[] drn[0 (0ms)]

11:52:05 Adding data to log: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Dati applicazioni\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\Logs\outbound.txt

11:52:05 Data: 5555555555

11:52:05 Run file: "C:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\ivmCallBackPlugin.exe" 5555555555

11:52:05 Play file: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINDOWS\Dati applicazioni\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\OGMs\file.wav

11:52:05 Command - Hangup

11:52:05 Call disconnected

11:52:16 Outbound is active

11:52:16 Making outbound call to 5555555555 on line out

11:52:16 Initiated sip call to: 5555555555

11:52:32 Error. Other side said: User not found

11:52:32 Call has disconnected



Any suggestion?

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This is very strange behaviour. It should act the same in the simulator as it does with a regular incoming call.

I just tested both the simulator and an incoming VoIP call on my end, and there were no problems, it worked as expected.


What kind of behaviour is the plug-in showing? Here are some examples and possible reasons.

The plug-in does not appear at all, not even the quick splash/loading screen

- Indicates the plug-in isn't being run at all, even on older PCs that may not be able to handle the program (which is not the case for you), it should show the splash screen.


The plug-in briefly appears with a splash screen and immediately closes itself with no warning/error (1 of 2 possible reasons)

- The plug-in was not given a proper Caller ID number. The plug-in will take in the cid variable and strip it of anything but digits. If nothing is left (meaning no digits), it closes itself.

This could indicate IVM is not correctly passing on the caller ID.

- The plug-in can't run on this computer (not the case as it runs fine with the simulator as you said)


The plug-in shows an error indicating a failure to initialize a drawing surface

- Your DirectX may be out of date, the computer may have too little video memory available (unlikely as it works fine with the simulator)


"ERROR in action number 1 of Alarm Event"

- Indicates the path to the IVM executable was invalid / ivm.exe was not found. You can put the plug-in in the same folder as IVM and use ivm.exe as the path to make it easier for you.

I just tested running the plug-in with caller ID '3332628694' to make sure the plug-in could call it back correctly.. it worked. So it's not the number that's causing the problem either.

Somehow I feel IVM must be responsible, something in IVM must be causing the CID to be passed on to the plug-in only in the simulated calls.


Are you using the same OGM for simulator calls and you VoIP calls, is there anything you can think of that is making your simulator tests act differently than your real tests? What IVM version are you using?

The thing is it works perfectly on my end for both simulated and real calls, so I find the behaviour you encountered very strange.

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Problem found.

I have 2 licences of ivm:

Enterprise: V4.01. (plugin not work).


Professional: latest version. (Plugin works well)

So the problem is on V4.01.


It is possible plugin work well with V.4.01?

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Well I'm not surprised to hear that. I seem to remember one of the earlier IVM versions had a bug with plug-in execution. I'm not exactly sure on how to correct this, if anyone can provide info on how to fix plug-ins for 4.01 I will certainly try and modify it / provide instructions for running it on 4.01

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Callback plugin answered the call and then closes. In this way, but 'the caller pays the phone call until it is closed. You can make the plugin reads the caller id without answering the call and then start outgoing call?

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At this time IVM lacks the ability to execute plug-ins/programs during an incoming call without actually answering. The best you can do is answer, play a short tone and then hang-up the caller. Call them back and their total call cost would only be for a one or two call.


For most Telcos this would hardly be anything (many telcos operate on a free local calling and 6 second or 30 second billing intervals without flag-fall charges (connection costs) for long distance). Unfortunately, it's not like this all over the world (not sure about Italy). For example in Australia, many of the telcos round to 30 seconds or greater in addition to charging excessive flag-fall or connection charges (e.g. 60c to connect to a call, and then 20c/min thereafter). If this is the case for your country then perhaps other options should be considered.


I think NCH mentioned adding the ability to execute plug-ins on incoming (unanswered) calls and after a call has hung-up in the next version but I'm not sure about that, it could have just been a user suggestion.

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For example in Australia, many of the telcos round to 30 seconds or greater in addition to charging excessive flag-fall or connection charges (e.g. 60c to connect to a call, and then 20c/min thereafter). If this is the case for your country then perhaps other options should be considered.



In Italy, all telcos.

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