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File Associations


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Hello...I am new to WavePad and am using the free version for now on an XP Home machine. Can't find which version it is, however.

Anyway, I was editing some PaintShopPro pictures and notice that all these files say they are WavePad files :huh: :huh: How can I de-associate my picture files from WavePad?




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Santolina again...


I found the version. It's 3.05

Then I typed -"Type:WavePad file" into Google.

It sent me to your board and answered a 2005 question similar to mine. He wanted his RealAudio files back.

The guru told him to download Version 2 and on the Options page un-check "Add WavePad into Windows Explorer context menu".

That option is in v 3.5 so I un-checked that option. My picture files still say "Type: WavePad file"


AND THEN...I uninstalled WavePad. The picture files STILL say TYPE: WavePad file <_< <_<



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Santolina here-I just LOVE talking to myself!

So then I went to the registry and cleaned out 'all' the NCH software. Why, when you uninstall a program doesn't Windows go to the Registry and clean it as well?

Anyway, I still had all my Paint Shop Pro 7 pictures telling me they were "Type-WavePad File".

So, I uninstalled Paint Shop Pro, and at least the pictures said they were JPGs or GIFs-not WavePads.

I reinstalled Paint Shop Pro, and for now, pictures are back to being Paint Shop Pro files.


I do think that NCH still lurks on this machine, however. Time will tell.


So, SUPPORT. By ANY chance do you have a handle at what happened here?


I sure would appreciate an answer even though you like us to interact amongst ourselves. Your program IS great by the way, for editing sound files. It simply went too far on this machine.


Linda Milton

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Just so you don't develop a complex by talking only to yourself, I'll chime in.


I don't remember the specific menu directions (for XP), but (in Vista) if you click on the Start button, then select "Default Programs" you'll find an option to "Associate a file type or protocol with a program"... this will allow you to manually set file-types to programs (obviously), and by the same token, to UN-associate them.


After uninstalling a program, run CCleaner, which will go a long way to keeping the registry and such clean. It's free and harmless.


Then write a letter entitled Registry Complaints, care of Bill Gates, yada yada ya. :rolleyes:


(Curious that it should think a Paintshop file would have much to do with Wavepad, but then again Platypus's exist, so if nature can be wacky, what's a little Registry flummox?)

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Kilmatead! Thank you for posting!

I'll go check XP specs for associating-un-associating files, and I'll clean the Registry, well, at least try to.

I saw a real Platypus once, and it didn't have a WavePad extension. (NCH..take notice)


Ok, I'm comin' after you Bill!


Take care Kilmatead.



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