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Switch hangs on ra conversions


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New Switch user. I'm trying to convert Rhapsody files to mp3. I tried the following process on 2 different rax files and the same thing happened. (Note: I ws able to convert a m4a file to mp3, so I assume Switch is installed correctly.)


1 - I changed the extension from rax to ra and tested the file by double clicking. The file opens in Rhapsody and begins to play.

2 - I quit Rhapsody, opened Switch, browsed to the file and clicked Convert.

3 - I get the window entitled Saving Audio File, Decoding Audio File with filename.ra


The progress bar fills up completely and then nothing happens. The window stays open forever (well, at least 15 minutes - the longest I let it sit)


I have to click cancel twice to get rid of the window, and then I get an hourglass. When I try to close Switch with the X, I get the always-annoying "This program is not responding" window.


Am I doing something wrong?



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Are you using Windows or mac?

Ra files aren't supported in the mac version.


The problem could also be because the file itself may be of a different format to normal ra files.

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