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Backstep and bookmarks


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Hi folks!


I've been using Express Scribe for about a year now, and I have to say that it's really great software - thank you, NCH, for making it available!


I just updated from 4.15 to 4.17, but doing so prompted me to finally come to the forum to ask a couple questions about the software I've been meaning to ask for a while now. They are the only two issues I have with ES.


1. Are there any plans to address the pitch change when the speed of any given file is faster or slower than 100%? For instance, the Transcription Buddy software does not have this problem - pitch stays very constant regardless of playback speed. I use ES almost exclusively, finding it to be better software than Transcription Buddy (which costs $40, a price I'd be very much willing to pay for ES but which is too high for Transcription Buddy) overall, but that feature in Transcription Buddy is WONDERFUL and I'd REALLY love to see that happen with ES.


2. Backstep and bookmarks. I've already seen that this is a broken feature via the posts found in this search on these forums, but I've seen no evidence that this is ever going to be addressed. This by far is the biggest problem I have with ES. The bookmarking feature is awesome, but you can't use it very effectively. Every time I double-click a bookmark in the bookmark list, the backstep stops working and I have to restart the software. Again, the Transcription Buddy software also has a bookmark feature (which is very hampered by the fact it only works with a couple specific file formats), and better yet, their bookmark list window sticks - it doesnt go away when you click a bookmark like the bookmark list in ES does. I use bookmarks a great deal and this problem is a serious handicap for me. Are there any plans to address this issue so that backstep works when you use the bookmark list, and that the bookmark list itself can be made to stay open when you use it?


Thanks for reading! I look forward to hearing any answers or maybe workarounds that folks might have to these two issues. Otherwise, I'm a very happy and very appreciative ES user.

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I'll pass these comments on to the developers for you. I do believe they are working on ways to achieve what you've asked, but as of yet I don't know when they'll be finished.

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