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Does SWITCH truncate samples?


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Does anyone know if Switch truncates the audio samples when you do a conversion from, say, .wma to .flac?



Someone elsewhere has flagged up to me that there's a risk that if you don't use the official tools (whatever that means) then this is a risk.


(I ask because I can't get some .wma files to play on a Squeezebox, but converting them to .flac solves the problem. But as some distributors of downlaods are now using higher resoltuion .flac files I don't want to risk any degradation of quality).


Many thanks.

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When you convert to/from any format there will always be some quality degradation. You say you have done conversions already, why not just look at the flac files you have created and determine for yourself?


In the end what really matters is are you happy with the results you get, or would you rather have no audio at all?

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When you convert to/from any format there will always be some quality degradation. You say you have done conversions already, why not just look at the flac files you have created and determine for yourself?


In the end what really matters is are you happy with the results you get, or would you rather have no audio at all?

The only visual way I can think of determining the form of an audio file is to look at its size, which doesn't seem to be very convincing.


Yes, I agree about audio quality assessment, I can do that. But I can only apply that test 'after purchase'.


The 'have no audio at all' option is not a meaningful alternative in any decision process I would apply.

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Capell, it isn't entirely true that you can only apply the test after purchase, there's a 14 day trial of the full version available from the web page, which should give you enough time to test the quality thoroughly

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