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WMA To MP3 conversion grouped by track number


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After downloading the free Switch, I converted all my WMA files (approx. 4600 songs) to MP3's in a folder I named "My Music" from a folder named "My WMA". Eventually these new converted tracks will be used on my IPOD classic and my other MP3 player, and I will delete my original WMA files. But, after converting, I noticed that the track number for each song given by Windows Media was apparently used by Switch as the beginning title of each song, therefore grouping all tracks numerically and not alphabetically. So, now what I have is a group of 01's alpabetically, 02's alpahbetically, 03's alphabetically, etc. And, all I want is for all the tracks to be just alpha. I really don't want to go through each track now and delete each track number for all 4600 songs. Was there something I failed to do initially and how do I proceed from here to correct this situation.

Sincerely frustrated. Thanks. :angry:

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