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Send in the Wizard!


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I have been proudly advised, more than a month before his time, that this is the Land of Oz! Acting upon this advice, I am requesting that NCH send in the Wizard (of Ogg, that is) to furnish a long-needed update of those compression "components" that are claimed, by folks who are knowledgeable about such things, to constitute a compression technique that is superior to MP3, as well as being completely free of license fees (unlike MP3), crass commercialism, etc., etc.


The Ogg codec which is furnished by NCH as two separate components are version 1.0.1, which came out a few years ago, if I am not mistaken. In the Wonderful World of Ogg, versions 1.0.1 and 1.1.2 are far apart, even though they would seem to be close together (take notice, NCH; you cannot tell by the number differential). I have recorded files from a classical music web page (Radio D-dur) at a web site (http://www.rozhlas.cz) in the Czech Republic. These files are encoded using version 1.1.2 of Ogg Vorbis, at a bit rate of 256 kbps, which is probably the highest bit rate (with the exception of a Dutch curiosity piece) currently streaming for public consumption, without charge, on this planet. However, the Archaic version of Ogg currently being supplied as a component for use with Switch _does not work with this up-to-date version used by those savvy folks (a great cultural center) in the Czech Republic. Would that the Land of Oz were up to the technological and cultural challenge to keep up with central Europe. Too far down under?


The Ogg encoder and decoder supplied by NCH (with nary a mention that it is quite outdated) _will_ encode a .wav file, for example, which can then be decoded to recover the original file, as a codec is supposed to work. This does not do me a bit of good, however, since versions 1.0.1 and 1.1.2 are INCOMPATIBLE. Repeat: INCOMPATIBLE. So get moving, NCH, and send in the Wizard; even if you have to drag him out of Rad Laver Stadium, where he is obviously this very moment busy turning the tennis world upside down--and sideways!!


So what, then, is your schedule for getting this done? Yesterday would of course be nice :-)



[Al is in Wonderland!]

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