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CRC check don't work


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I have problems with the version 1.31 of switch while converting to mp3 {(CBR, 128kbps, stereo, CRC Error protection is marked(output folder: [same as source file])}.


After the converting I check the files with mp3test (http://www.shivi.de/MP3Test/index.html#English).


The error report says: {First frame invalid; Resync: -10 Bytes at 237 {0% through); Errors: 1 (0,02%); -- NOT OK (Crc failed) --; Fertig.}


With version 1.05 it functioned flawlessly. Error report {Errors: 0 (0,00%); -- Crc Ok --}


(both test on the same system, Intel 3GHz, Win Vista Ultim.)



have their their some idea why that is like this.



Excuse please for my terrible English

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  • 4 weeks later...

The "[same as source file]" option should no longer be listed, please do not use this as it is not a valid directory. Instead, if you are using the latest version of Switch, use the "Output to same folder as source files" checkbox.

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