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Flac File Editing


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I’ve read the pertinent postings concerning Wavepad not being able to edit flac files. Unfortunately, there did not appear to be a resolution to the problem. Also, my problem is a little different; therefore, I'm posting as a new problem. I have a simple question before I waste any more time on this: does it work or does it not? If it’s supposed to work, then I’d like to know what I have to do to get mine to work.


I just downloaded and installed from the NCH web site WavePad v. 3.05 and the components flacdec.exe and flacenc.exe. I am using Window XP Prof. If I try to edit a flac file, WavePad opens a “Loading Flac File” dialog box and shows a progress bar that eventually appears to run to completion but then nothing happens. When I cancel out (because nothing has happened) and try to load another file, I get an error message entitled “flac 1.2.1b setup” stating that “the installer is already running”. (I previously had installed the flac 1.2.1b codec.) My needs are simple. All I wish to do is truncate some music files that have, for instance, applause at the end. I’d rather not convert flac to another format just to do this. Also I would eventually be converting back to flac and in this whole process would loose some sound quality. Also I have a player that plays flac files and I have no need to convert to another format. I state all this because these were issues raised in the previous postings and replies. I also tried substituting the most recent flac.exe (flac1.2.1b.exe) for the flacdec.exe and flecenc.exe components as was suggested, but the problem remains. I feel I’m close to a solution to this but just need a little help. Thank you.

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