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Wavepad voice recording CUT-OFF!!


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This started 10 - 12 months into using Wavepad's free interface for voice recording. (Up to now, no problems occurred like this.) I'll be recording a voice file, and within minutes (betw. 2 - 15 min.) my whole system clicks off (as if I've booted it) - and I've lost everything. I've thoroughly checked my system, and there are no other problems; it seems to be in the software. It's driving me crazy. It can take 4 or 5 tries to complete a 7-minute file without seeing it disappear in front of me.

And I was just about to purchase the full version (and recommend it to many, many students I work with, in speech coaching), but now I'm afraid that this could happen with the full Wavepad or Masters editions. I'd love to know if anyone has had to deal with this. (I'm on Windows XP 2003.)

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Have you installed anything recently (including any Windows updates)? This doesn't sound like an issue with WavePad, but more of a hard drive or system driver problem (maybe a corruption issue). Try running a disk scan for errors and try reinstalling your drivers. You should also try reinstalling WavePad.


When WavePad uses your soundcard/microphone it interacts with your system (Windows). If an error occurs in WavePad, it will only crash itself. But if the error originates within the system it will likely take the whole thing down with it, as you are experiencing. Because WavePad was working for so long without any issues before, it must be a third party which has caused this problem.

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