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Switch MP3 files and Windows Media Player

Thunder Bird

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Using Switch I have converted some of my CD collection to MP3 files and now find that all files from certain CD's (not all CD's) will not play using Windows Media Player.


I get a Media Player Error ID = 0xC00D1199.


Windows Media Player cannot play the file. You may encounter this error message for one of the following reasons:


The file type is not supported by the Player. The following table lists the file types supported by the Player.


If the file type you are trying to play is included in this table, then the file may have been encoded by using a codec that is not supported by Windows Media Player. If this is the case, Windows Media Player cannot play the file.


The file type is supported by the Player, but the file was compressed by using a codec that is not supported by the Player.



Other CD's that I have converted to MP3 with Switch play on Windows Media Player without a problem.


However when I use Winamp the files that would not play using Media Player play fine with no problems.

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