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voice recordings skipping on playback recently


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Hello, I'm using the WavePad Master's Edition on windows xp pro. Everything was working fine till just a couple days ago. Suddenly my recordings have all these little sound drop outs so I have to re-record a section at a time till it sounds decent. This is quite a pain, recordings are taking three times longer then they used to. Have not made any changes that should have affected this, but I have been rather hoarse lately. Could that be the problem? I tried lowering the -db recording threshold but that did not seem to help. Any ideas? I could use some help, this is affecting my work.


Thank you!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for replying Waaza, I didn't realize anyone had responded.


I have tried to remove everything that's been added recently to see if that was the trouble but it still seems to be happening. I make recordings for work so it's vitally important that they sound professional, but every time I think I have a good take, I hear all these sound drop outs happening. I thought maybe it was the AutoTrim, so I tried lowering it to -40db and also turning it off completely, but it still seems to be happening. I have even upgraded my RAM from 1 gig to 2 thinking that would help, but it didn't help at all. Will have to keep troubleshooting I guess.





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