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Specific, highly identifiable, CLICKS


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I have hundreds of hours of lecture material.


It contains THOUSANDS of CLICKS that are very distinct and identifiable.


You can download and hear a short, 29 second, sample file that contains six of these very annoying clicks here:



Upon close examination you will see that the wave pattern of these clicks are almost identical and they are uniquely distinct from the rest of the recording.


If there is ANYTHING that is a good example of a noise that SHOULD be EASILY eliminated, this is IT!


I have tried automatic pop and click reduction and it doesn't work.

I have tried manual elimination and wavepad indicates: "Sample to big" (and impractical anyway)

I have tried spectral subtraction and this doesn't seem to work either.


SO, what I am doing wrong? or What is wrong with wavepad?




What DOES work for this simple task of eliminating the SAME, highly identifiable clicks from hundreds of hours of recordings?


Please reply.


Thank you.



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