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Express Scribe/Quick Time conflict.


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I have quick time for I Tunes but I need to use Express Scribe for some audio files for work.


I installed Express Scribe and it seems to work but when I try to listen to the audio files Quick Time comes up and plays the files not Express Scribe. I uninstalled Quick Time and Express Scribe works, I reinstalled Quick Time and tried to play around with the file types but it still plays the audio files rather than Express Scribe.


How can I set Express Scribe as the default player or get my computer to ask which player to use or something like that? Any fix for this or am I not going to be able to have both on my computer at the same time?


Thanks for the help. Running Windows XP.

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When you right click on the file it should give you all the options relevant to your computer. Chose 'transcribe with Express Scribe'. Failing that, try 'open with' and choose ES. Then you can go on to tell it always to open this type of file with ES.

Hope that helps.

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Also in the Express Scribe Settings window, select the Files tab. Here you can specify which filetypes to be associated with Express Scribe and hence make Express Scribe the default player.

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