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Hello people ...

I appreciate some help. I'm new with this software. I'm NOT an advanced user and I can't get it to work right.

I'm trying to use it as an answer machine which would be able to transfer calls to another numbers (land line numbers) and also to be able to reach an xpecific mail box according with customer's response; e.g.:

(OGM > If you have a reference code please enter it now). The system must validate this reference code. If true, call will be transfered to an specific extention if not system will prompt customer to try again or hung up.

Problem is when I try to imput the access code, the system says invalid codes and / or understands that I'm trying to reach an invalid extention. Also when I by pass this step and try to transfer a simple call, the system will drop the call as soon as it is answered. What's going on here?

I'm using VOIP LINE - like vonage. Planning to switch to another provider. Any sugestion?

Thank you for any info.

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