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Help - ineturl.exe plugin returning extra chars


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Im using the ineturl.exe plugin to hit a page to look up an order - then return the order total.


The odd thing is that when I hit the url - it send back 3 control chars then the var - here is the log :


Run plugin: "C:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\plug_ins\ineturl.exe"

00:29 Play file: C:\ProgramData\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\OGMs\Retrieve cart id balance.wav

00:29 followed by read number: total

00:30 Plugin returned: total=123.99

00:30 Plugin returned so skip to end


Its getting back the correct amount - but because of the  before the actual variable name its not "seeing" it and is just saying 0 dollars.

If I make the actual varialbe name in IVM %total% it then sees and says it fine.


I even tried hitting the script as straight html just puting out total=12399 - on 2 different servers both with the same results.


Any help at all - Im using ivm 4.03




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Well I don't know if this will help, but if the PHP server is on the same computer as Axon (as it appears) then there is no need to use the internet plug-in or to even have a php webserver.


You can execute the PHP script by setting IVM to run a C:\Program Files\PHP\php.exe as an IVM Plugin Process. For the first argument, put in the path to the php script (e.g. "C:\Program Files\PHP\myscript.php"). The rest of the arguments are for the data you want to send to the script (eg 565)


In the PHP script, instead of using something like:

$cart_id = $_GET["cart_id"];



$cart_id = $argv[1];


Hope this helps and saves you some trouble. I haven't had any unwanted extra characters return using this method so I'm assuming it's something related to the ineturl plugin you are using.

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