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Where is Codec Page on Express Talk?


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Hello everyone,


I'm new on this fourm.. I installed Express Talk and Try to call it, but I'm getting, other side not found.... when I logged on to the switch, I found that The calls are hitting on Codec G711..... My Switch and Routes support on G723 and G729a... Can you plz tell me where is the codec page on Express Talk?


and if there is any patch available for Express Talk which support G723 and G729a...... Or let me know the version which support G723 and G729a..



Urgent Reply is needed.




Tauseef Masood

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G729 and G723 are both proprietary codecs (and cost money to use/license) and hence Express Talk is not compatible with either of them.


Codecs Express Talk does support: G711 ulaw alaw GSM


Which are pretty much all the standard ones.


What hardware are you using? Are you sure it only supports G723 and G729?

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The routes which I'm using from vendors only supports G723 and G729a. Meanwhile I got the FAQ in which its stated that G723 and G729a didn't supported by Express Talk... and you also cleared that why Express Talk didn't have these codecs support because of the Money and License.


Thanks for the help.. but can you please tell me when it is possible that express talk will come up with the codecs which I'm looking..??



Tauseef Masood

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Guest nchto
The routes which I'm using from vendors only supports G723 and G729a. Can you please tell me when it is possible that express talk will come up with the codecs which I'm looking..??

Most probably never. We offer Express Talk freely for use on the open free SIP network, and as such we only support free codecs. We don't support using proprietary codecs on an open network, as this defeats the purpose of it.

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