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Logs on transfer calls


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I'm using PBX and IVM.

In my SQL server, are stored different external phone number.

I call a geographic number and IVM answer call.

With an asp procedure (and ineturl plugin), I get a phone number into my SQL database (it's associated to a code which I type on IVM) and with IVM, transfer the call to another extension (named 900001)

When I call this extension, PBX transfer calls to the database external number (ie. 00390119310523 ).

The transfer it's ok but when I open the log file, I don't found the transferred call !!!

I need to log start and stop time of the transferred call.

Can anyone help me to solve this problem ?

Thanks :angry:

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If I got it right, IVM is an extension of a PBX, so IVM transfers call to extension 9..1, at this point IVM is disconected and the pbx has the control, at this step it will depend if you are doing a real transfer (your telephony/provider will connect the caller to another number and disconnect you) or just a conference (the pbx dials the 3rd number but remains plugged).


If you're doing a regular transfer you will see in IVM logs a transfer to 90001 and in the PBX logs a transfer to 00387523435...

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