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Google/dMarc Maestro File Conversion

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I'm a radio engineer in Canada and we use a system for audio broadcast called Maestro (now owned by Google). It uses MP2 encoded files, but uses the file extension on DAF. The file can be converted using Switch, but I have to manually rename the file from something like 1234.DAF to 1234.MP2 before Swicth wil convert it. Switch does not appear to see the DAF as an MP2 file. So the question is... Is there a way to have Switch see the DAF file as and MP2 file? Is there a way to include this file type as an know audio file?




Bob B.

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Guest nchto

What version of Switch are you using? In the latest version we now have a fall back to directx decoding if the file extension is an unknown one.

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I have V1.12. And strangely the software now does work without having upgraded Direct-X or anything else. I'll try the Switch software on another computer and report back.


An hour later...


On another computer I expecrienced the same problem as my original computer. Then going back to my original computer, it no longer recognizes or converts the files. No change was made to my PCs configuration. Hmm....


After a DAF file is selected, Switch displays "Format may not recognized.", then after a conversion attempt, it labels the files as "The file could not be opened."



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