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Wave Pad


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WavePad Masters Edition is great! However I have an intermittent problem with being able to record LP's in stereo. I downloaded the free trial on Saturday, Feb 24. I explored the software extensively since then and everything worked fine until Wednesday, Feb 28. I know my external setup is OK because when I induce hum on either channel I can hear it only on the proper channel with my computer speakers. When I record a stereo LP I click on "New File". The "New File" prompt appears and I select the "Stereo (Dual)" option and "OK". I then click on the red circle in the "Untitled 1" window. In the "Record Control" window I use these record options: Device: (Default Sound in); Input: Line in 1 or 2. Then I click the red circle in the "Record Control" window to start recording. Until Wednesday, I could immediately see that I was recording in stereo. When the problem first occurred on Wednesday Wave Pad would not record in stereo, no matter what I tried, including rebooting. When I stop recording and close the "Record Control" window the "Untitled 1" editing window appears and even the L/R controls are active but the L and R wave forms are identical. On thursday, after booting up (I always shut my PC down at night) the problem was gone. Now today, after booting up the problem is back! Arrrrrgh!!! What's going on. As I said at the start, even when Wave Pad is stuck in mono record my PC speakers are playing in true stereo. HELP.

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