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problem with flac files


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when trying to convert flac files to any format it says the file could not be opened. I've even tried the sample file on this site and that doesn't work either.


EDIT2: I have found an easier way to do this. you can download the flacdec folder from their components page and put it in the folder specified below http://www.nch.com.au/components/


edit: i have found the answer to my problem and anyone else with this problem. when I downloaded v1.11 I installed it over v1.05 but had problems with it so I uninstalled it and reinstalled the newer version. after this I had the problem explained above. I then found v1.05 at download.com and installed that but still had the same problem. so i installed v1.05 on a computer that had never had switch installed on it. I found that v1.11 does not download the flac "plugin". so if you have this problem install 1.05 on a computer that has not had switch on it and go to - C:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\Components - and copy the folder named flacdec and but it on the computer in the same place with the flac problem. now v1.11 should convert flac files.

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