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Playback quality is great - can it be used as a player?


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Wavepad is great as an editor, and I've used it for all sorts of things. I happened to notice that when I open/play an mp3 file in Wavepad to edit it, the sound quality is much richer and more "open" than with my regular media player (Windows Media Player 10), regardless of the equalizer setting that I have my WMP on. My desk-top speakers are nothing special, but in Wavepad it makes them sound great! It doesn't look like Wavepad is a regular media player, though. Is there a way it can be used as one, or would anyone have suggestions on either how to make my WMP sound more like Wavepad, or rather, is there a Media player out there (preferably free) that would have sound capabilites more comparable to the Wavepad program?


Hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance. And kudos to the makers of Wavepad, it's really handy.

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That’s an interesting question to me, as I find myself using WavePad as a player for my Mandarin language learning files. That’s because I tend to tweak them each time I listen to them and because it’s so easy to set a loop or to jump around in the file. WavePad is a fabulous editor that can also convert, record, rip, and yes, play. On the other hand, WavePad isn’t intended to be a player, and it doesn’t have all the features that a player has, such as an equalizer to name one of many. Also, it takes much longer to load a file completely to memory for editing than to just playback. In short, it has a different purpose, for which it has a different design. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t use it as you wish. For speech files, you don’t need an equalizer, etc., but for music, you might want it. And perhaps WavePad will someday be morphed into a full-fledged WavePlayer.



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