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Import From Another Project ISSUE


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Try this one on for size. What happened makes absolutely no sense to me.


Using VideoPad , I'm creating a big movie by creating smaller separate parts, approx 5 minutes each, save them as mp4s and combine the mp4 pieces into the big final piece (a habit left over from using Movie Maker).


I have an additional VP file that contains groups of clips I've edited but decided not to use in their current movie file, but in another. My editing includes lots of splicing, duplicating, reversing and fine tuning of clip speed on many clips cut down to tenths of a second. It's time consuming, so I keep a segment if there's any chance I'll use it later in the movie.


I had just spent an hour editing (manipulating clips of cats meowing to "animate" them to look like their speaking English) and decided to use the edited clips in a later segment. I opened my extra movie file and used the Import From Another Project feature, and included the Sequences option. It brought all of the clips from the current movie file that I selected, as I expected. Since it imported everything, I deleted all that I didn't need, keeping the clips I had just edited for an hour.


Closed that file, saved it. Opened the file I had been working on, and found the problem. The file I imported FROM contained exactly the same clips as that I imported TO. All of my work, not including the 1 hour's worth previously mentioned, was gone.


I cannot fathom how this might have happened, either by me taking a misstep, or the application having a glitch. I'm a programmer by profession, so am capable of avoiding stupid mistakes, and sometimes capable of figuring out issues like this even though I've never written an application anything like Video Pad. Before I continue, I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this, knows why it happened or knows if my "missing" work is really missing or can I get it back somehow.



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