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Debreathing plugins & punch record


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Hello dear NCH people!


I have really taken to Wavepad. Back several years ago when searching for a good programme I passed on the usual suspects like Audacity etc & really took a shine to Wavepad. I have Adobe Audition & Cubase also, but just sync with Wavepad. I have no idea whether it is up to "pro" standard...??


Now, I am about to record a very lengthy voice only piece for which I need to do post on. I normally don't provide this function, but in this instance I am required to do so.


Does Wavepad have

-a very good de-breathing plugin (the ones for Audition are hit/miss/nonexistent)

-a very good de-essing plugin


Is there also a function to "punch record" ..where you record pickups whilst listening to recorded audio & then jump in with your correction??


I have been using the noisegate function for NR, set to -40db, as I find that every time I try to sample, I get alien-style artefacts no matter HOW quiet the recording.


So ok people, my lifestory there - any & all comments appreciated. Bear in mind though that as I never do post, I have little clue about manual settings in graphs, so I would appreciate print screens & hand-holding all the way! :D


Many thanks in anticipation!



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