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version 2.41 troubles


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Just downloaded the new version. Can't seem to rename tracks. No way to set/adjust recording volume for tracks? No longer a punch-in/punch-out option to fix mistakes? (that's an ESSENTIAL element). Anybody know if there's any document showing the changes from the old? The included Help is almost useless. After searching all over for how to select the sample rate for a track (used to be with the track recording input options), FINALLY found in the general Options menu a place to select a blanket sample rate. When I exported and finished editing a track in WavePad, there was no "reload" arrow box/icon to load it back in. Finally found a right-click option to reload, but the track wave pattern LOOKED the same, though it sounded new. Also tried recording a track in WavePad and then loading it into Mixpad to line it up with another track. There are no more buttons to incrementally move a track to line it up.

I bought the CD for the "new" product about a year ago but haven't been able to use it/get it to work. When I chose microphone input for a track, the LED bar became 3/4 solid and no movement showed when I spoke into the mic (worked fine in the old version, works fine in WavePad and a cheap single recording program I had to buy in a pinch, so It's not my mic or soundcard). This new download requires use of Windows Record Mixer. At least I've finally gotten my microphone to work. I DID the suggested backup up of the old version, but when the new didn't work, and I tried to re-install the old, it had the new skin, and didn't work. I assume there's some internet link that won't let you reload the old version. (By the way, I had tried the trial version of new software. When I couldn't get it to work, I contacted Support who said, "Too bad. Works fine here. Buy it and maybe then we can help you.")

I'm beginning to wonder if the guy who wrote the original software left NCH and took his notes with him, and the new guys don't know how to program the features that seem to have disappeared. Why else would they drop so much capability? I'm VERY frustrated, and about to buy something else (which saddens me, 'cause I really liked the old one). If they put as much effort into the function of the product as they do in getting people to buy products/upgrades(emails every month or two, it seems)their business would be so much better. They're setting themselves up for a mass exodus.

SO...can anybody tell me how to set a recording level, rename tracks (from "Untitled"), fix mistake spots, or reload an edited track so it's new pattern shows?

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