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Voice Removal


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I purchased the audio suite yesterday and i am very impressed with it. But i cant find how to remove

voice from an mp3 song. Anyone have an idea? (removing voice for a kareoke song for my son)


Wavepad can't do it. A few specialized programs do it by removing information between the right and left channels that is the same, while leaving information that is different between the channels. The program may leave in the bass frequencies that are below vocal range. Then a mono file is created from adding together the information between the left and right sides (just leaving the left and right in stereo results in a very hollow sound). Then a stereo effect can be added to this mono file by putting the left and right sides of the mono file out of phase by like 25 ms (can vary).


This works because songs are often mixed so that instruments are different or out of phase on the left and right sides, while the voice is the same on the left and right sides. But most of the time the result isn't that great from these voice remover programs. But it's OK sometimes.


You could try Blaze Audio. It does all of the steps I mentioned and worked OK for me: http://www.blazeaudio.com/products/singnburn.html


On the other hand, you might be able to find a high-quality karaoke track on this site: http://www.karaoke-version.com/

Quality varies, but it's probably usually better than what you'll get from using a voice removing program on an MP3. Try both and see which is better.

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