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no footpedal device


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i just installed scribe 4.31 in Ubuntu 10.4 LTS.


The footpedal ist connected to a serial port. the footpedal itself works.

Under <settings> <control> i hooked the <use foot pedal playback control> option.


But the <device:> field is grey and the <number of pedals> is also grey.

There is no Option to write something into or to choose from.


What can be missing?


Other Question. Could it be helpful to uninstall scribe and try to reinstall it again? And if so, how can i savely uninstall the programm?





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Other Question. Could it be helpful to uninstall scribe and try to reinstall it again? And if so, how can i savely uninstall the programm?


I just found the uninstall option. I did uninstall and afterwards reinstalled scribe. - No changes.


Within the last minutes i tried the xev-command. that showed nothing, wich lets me assume, that there could be sonething wrong with my serial ports. Iĺl check this later.




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as i wrote before, there was a problem with my serial port(s) That is a linux problem, and resolved.


Now i can keep on installing my footpedals. Up to now, the wizard still is grey and the other fields too (device and number of pedals)


But i found a file in my home-folder under /nch/scribe called <settings>. This seems to be a text-based config file.


I changed the values for e.g. pedalnumber and at least it shows the number of pedals in the greyed out field.


So i assume, that i can insert my serial port into the fiting line, an hope that this will work out.


But i still dont know the syntax. What do i have to put into that line?


ttyS0, /dev/ttyS0, 0, serial, COM1.


As driver i have installed inputattach --microsoft /dev/ttyS0 , wich should work at least with the most common serial mice.


I would be happy if one could help me a bit on this, or tell me how to get the wizard running :-)





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