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Problems with Hotkey Rewind and Fast-Forward


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I use express scribe at work and decided to install it on my home machine. Sadly there seems to be a problem with the fast-forward and rewind keys.


Basically, instead of, when held down, them producing either a sped up or reversed sound, I get no sound except a very faint tapping. The speed at which it is rewinding/fast forwarding seems somewhat erratic as well. I have tried remapping it from F7 and F8 to other keys but no luck. Interestingly, when I either press the buttons in the GUI, or use the drop-down menus for rewinding and fast forwarding it seems to work perfectly well, so this seems to be a keyboard problem.


I am using Windows 7 64-bit and express scribe 5.00, no foot pedals. I'm not quite sure what the problem would be.


Edit: It seems as well that when I hold down the 'rewind' hotkey, it actually goes forward in the tape!

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