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Selection scrolling from center - keep waveform still, move center?


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Howdy all,


Been using the program for years, but this new version has a "feature" that the old one didn't, or had an option to turn off or alter it.


I will describe in detail my problem, hoping not to get questions already answered in this upcoming post.


I am using WavePad Trial Master's Version 4.26 on an XP sp3 machine


XPsp3 has been ruled out as an issue.


I am trying to delete certain portions of a .wav that require zooming into the audio waveform.

These portions are skips, jumps, and stammers unalterable from the original source side.

I need to replay these sections numerous times to isolate (by eye and ear) the exact timeframe segments to delete


What I used to be able to do, was select an affected region;

zoom in, play it again, and reselect a narrower region in which the artifacts fall.


The selection, if short enough, played from left to right, within the visible section of the file's window.

If it was too long, then *and only then* the waveform scrolled to keep up with the current section of file being played


The new version, however, keeps the current timeframe being played directly in the center of the window.

Therefore, the selected waveform scrolls by too rapidly to visually determine where the error lies in the file.

Altering playback speed will not help, as I need to isolate the artifacts both visually *and* aurealy


What I am needing, is a way to keep the selected segment in the same place (relative to the window)

and have the 'position marker' move along it as it plays.


Am I missing something I once found an obvious solution to? Or does the new version not include it?


I hope someone can understand what i am trying to describe.


Thanks for your time,


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  • 1 month later...

I'd like to understand this as well. Electro described the problem very well so I won't attempt to duplicate that, but not being able to hold the waveform still while having the centre line move across it (the way previous versions of wavepad worked) has made the application basically useless for me. I'll have to find new editing software now. Isn't there some way this could be toggled?

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Guys,


I'm new in this forum and hopeing to get some advice concerning several probs with MIXPAD. I was used to apply SAMPLITUDE, but after a change over to OS WIN 7, this software is only operable in the so called XP-modus, and that is not what I really want. So I purchased the NCH Mixpad. Different to Samplitude a low cost solution. The trial version seemed not to bad, and so I decided to purchase a license.


Now I try to work seriously with it. Basically it is a good feature that the window always follows the cursor-bar. But sometimes this behaviour is simply bothering. If you move the scroll bar to a clip-position outside of the recent window, it makes a quick wink, and now you have to find out your new position on the whole track, ups ???. As far as I found out, in such cases you have first to move the cursor-bar via left mouseclick to the wanted postion in the window, and then you can select the clip, and drag it into a different position, for example. This is very complicating. I do not understand, why the programmers don't ad a little feature which stops this: automatically go to the cursor bar function.


I hope they will do, otherwise I'll also have to remove this software from my PC again, and look for an more convenient one. But this are not the only "bugs" I have to fight against the whole day.


Respectfully to everybody


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