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If your WavePad starts crashing, try this


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My Master's Edition WavePad came down with a freeze-up problem. It would freeze if I simply tried to open a file. It would load (rip) a new file, but if I tried to save the file, it would freeze. It would just stop. No longer respond. I searched the forum for help and found nothing that would work. THEN I FOUND A SOLUTION! I went back to the NCH website and downloaded a new version of the program--the one you get for free. I uninstalled my old, buggy program and installed the shiny new one in its place. I opened it, clicked File to get to the registration, and I typed in my registration key from the buggy one. It accepted it! Presumably because I am on the same computer to which the first one is registered. The new program works just fine. SO THE ANSWER TO A WAVEPAD THAT GETS SICK IS TO GET RID OF IT AND GET A REPLACEMENT, USING YOUR OLD REGISTRATION KEY.

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