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Error saving audio in M4A (AAC) format on Mac (Intel)


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I recently purchased WavePad for the purpose of converting and saving files in Apple's AAC format, but I get the error "Unable to create file xxx.m4a for saving" whenever I try to save any file (even a previously opened M4A file) in AAC format. I'm running the latest Mac Intel version of WavePad ( v 3.14 Intel ) on a Macbook Pro running Mac OS-X version 10.4.7 ( same problem on the previous 10.4.6 version as well ). When I attempt to save a file ( either using the "Save" or "Save As..." options ) there is no option to select the desired output audio format. If I explicitly change the extension, say from *.wav to *.mp3, then it does save the file in the appropriate format, but when I attempt to do the same thing as *.m4a or *.aac, O get the error message described. Attached is a screen shot with the error message. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




--Don LeClaire


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