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Difficulty Selecting Regions


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I just upgraded WavePad that I use when I am editing audio of spoken messages. Until today, I could make it large enough to grab sections of silence that went longer than two seconds and edit them to be shorter. Also caught coughs and other noises in those silent spaces and deleted them. Now, if I make it large enough to see them, the screen is moving so fast I cannot grab them. In other words, the line where I am listening (or cursor) is moving to theright and the audio file is moving to the left at the same time . . . which makes it impossible to see and grab those sections easily. If I stop it to grab one such section, it starts moving when at the mid point of my monitor rather than when at the far right, so I only have half of the screen to work with before it starts moving again. Can this be fixed?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just upgraded WavePad that I use when I am editing audio of spoken messages. Until today, I could make it large enough to grab sections of silence that went longer than two seconds and edit them to be shorter. Also caught coughs and other noises in those silent spaces and deleted them. Now, if I make it large enough to see them, the screen is moving so fast I cannot grab them. In other words, the line where I am listening (or cursor) is moving to theright and the audio file is moving to the left at the same time . . . which makes it impossible to see and grab those sections easily. If I stop it to grab one such section, it starts moving when at the mid point of my monitor rather than when at the far right, so I only have half of the screen to work with before it starts moving again. Can this be fixed?




I just downloaded a newer version of this software. I also noticed the left to right and right to left movements and as yet am not comfortable with them either. I am editing a digital download of a 1979 Christmas Messiah performance recorded live on 10 inch tape.


You might find that playing back in the "slow" mode is helpful enough to get you by while NCH ponders this issue.


As Ever,


near Chicago

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Thank-you Orin. I am grateful you replied, that I am not the only one experiencing this problem and that you are hopeful NCH will possibly offer a solution at some point. Good luck on that sizable task you are doing!!



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Guest MichaelJee



It seems strange that the issue you speak of, started all of a sudden. Are you sure it didn’t start with a particular file type, or more likely, file “length” ?


How long are the records your working with?




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Hello M;


It started when I upgraded WavePad to the new version. The file starts at approximately 1 hour. (It is a recorded program of music and speaking) I then cut it in two, the first part is the music, approx. 30 min, followed by the speaking part, approx. 30 min.) Then I work with each file, editing out dead spaces of longer than 2 seconds, coughing noises and other interuptions or mistakes from each file. The result is two files that can be placed on one cd, showing the complete program in its most concise and easy to listen to form, allowing listeners to choose between focusing on the music portion only or the speaker's message only.


Thanks for your assistance. Louis

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I am having a couple of similar (but not identical) issues. If I want to add an effect - say, reverb - to a certain region of the file, it almost invariably adds the reverb to the entire file, including the vast area that I have not selected. The only work-around solution I've arrived at is to set the reverb so low that, even though it adds it in the unwanted portion of the file, it does not do so discernably. Then, repeat the process again and again until I get the desired level of reverb in the desired section. (For some reason, it will usually apply the reverb only to the intended region the second, third and fourth times - but I'm still left with an entire file full of unwanted reverb, based on what happened the first time.)


Another thing I find difficult is that when I want to amplify or decrease the volume level of a certain region, it begins to play the piece and move the cursor, which is distracting as well as inconvenient. I am using WavePad Masters edition. By the way, I did not have either of these problems with an earlier version that I got during the free trial. Any help with this would be appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest MichaelJee



As you could well imagine, WavePad would be on the shelves so to speak if more then 2 people had reported this.

To help me see what you are seeing, i would need to you to show me a case where this is occurring, by sending me the before file, and after file.


PM for FTP details




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